Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I've been to London, I've now been to Paris... but, no... I have not seen your underpants (Paris part 2)

Hey Everybody

I am currently sitting in an internet cafe in Paris: The keyboard is funny; they decided to move all the letters and symbols, i feel like a grandma typing.

Over the past few days i have met some great people. The hostel i was staying at offered a free walking tour around Paris. On that tour i met a Malaysian doctor who lives in Dublin, as well as a South Korean army vet.

After the tour, we decided to go to Montmarre. If you can imagine it, basically all of the buildings in paris are no higher then 4 or 5 stories. Montmarre is a section that is on a hill that overlooks all of Paris. There is a beautiful church (my favorite in Paris) that is on the very top of the hill. What a sweet view.

Some other highlights:

I went to the Rodin mueseum. This is where "The Thinker" is. It was in a sculpture garden that is in a nice part of Paris.

I went to the opera house where the Phantom of the Opera takes place. While there, I was able to snag a poster of the show from the day. It's pretty awesome.

I was able to meet with my friends father for dinner at an unbelivable steak place. After dinner, I walked down the Siene to see the Eiffel Tower at night. It was a beautiful night; the sky was pink as the sun set in the west.

Overall thoughts of Paris:

There seem to be two classes, the wealthy and everybody else. There are more beggars then i thought there would be, and they are aggressive beyond belief.

The French love their dogs. Most of the time, a person will hold their dog in the metro rather then let the dogs paws touch the ground.

I enjoyed the city, but have had mixed experiences with actual French people. A french person told a group I was with that we were selfish because we did not know any other language... SOOOO STEREOTYPICAL!

I would come back, but I would need to be with a lover of sorts... haha... It seems that no one is single in the whole city.

Some other cool things:

I traded a US dollar for 1000 South Korean dollars. My south korean friend Shin also gave me a pair of chopsticks that are pretty sweet.

That is all for now, I had to book a late train because I didnt know i had to reserve the seat... there are worse things in life then being stuck in Paris for a few hours

Next Stop; Amsterdam!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Just popping by to say hello!
    I got the 1000 south Korean dollars too, apparently it's worth 70 cents or something. And the chopsticks were pretty sweet.
    I see you're having fun in Amsterdam. See you around man.
